“I encourage repetitive training in sets of 5 or 6 maximum, with a short break to reset before starting the next set. The process of resetting improves the depth of learning, providing time to take stock and reflect and nudges the situation closer to match behavior, one shot, one opportunity.”
Dave Alred-The Pressure Principal.
This quote by Dave Alred is from his book ‘The Pressure Principle’, its a great resource that covers what the pursuit of getting better in any sport looks like and how to deal with the inevitable challenges on that journey.
One of the key ideas is structuring your practice into sets of 5 with small breaks in between.
So instead of heading to the range to hit a basket of balls, head to the range to hit 10 sets of 5 balls.
Breaking it up into sets will help maintain focus of the task at hand and build in some ‘spacing’ in between repetitions.
2 Keys to a Great Practice Session
1.Practice Plan
This is the one to two specific drills for your swing that are most effective for creating the change and result you’re looking.
2.Feedback Tool
Feedback to measure the quality of the repetition, most importantly your tripod and camera phone for video feedback.
The Online Academy helps you dial in these two areas, you’ll get your own tripod and learn how to record and analyse your swing to ensure progress!
You can contact me directly or visit HERE for more info on how to get started today.
‘Step-by-Step’ courses archive HERE.